On, off, on....then now off again.
Like pieces of a puzzle we were, with missing pieces that we found in one another.
It felt so right, yet is so wrong.
I wish to continue on so much, to forever hear ur laughter and feel the love and happiness that blooms whenever we are together.
Yet...I cannot escape the extra strokes that distract us from the main picture.
The weight of the baggage that has yet to be unloaded, and, worse is that you are unsure of whether to unload it or not. That is what breaks my heart.
I am the luckiest girl in the world to be able to find the perfect one.
One that thinks i am perfect as well.
If only we didn't have to be in this situation.
If only we had met earlier.
If only we didn't have our consciences to answer to.
If only....it was easier.
I miss you so fucking much, baby.
Please don't take too long.
Don't forget about me.