look alike or not?
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
bye, girl
so we met up with dongli, our jie mei, for old times sakes before she flew off...
and ktv with guang and alex after that!
had lots of fun...but every two minutes someone would mention cambodia, then it would all be jokes to cover up the fact that she was leaving....
Friday finally arrived....so we all made our way to the airport...
doing what we did best..hehheh...
and a final group shot..
now we have to wait till Chinese New Year.....but i'd probably go over and visit soon with guang...
i dunno....although me and her don't meet everyday, it just the fact that i know that she's not that near anymore....and giving her a call would cost a hell lot more than usual.
Girl, what would I do without you in Singapore?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
need. sleep.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
and since now my new favourite color is anything green...i think this one looks quite nice, don't you?
have been really stressed up with work, school, and my own wild thoughts. there seems to be a million things to do but either i procrastinate or there just isn't time to do them all at once.
i have to mention. i HATE MY OFFICE LAPTOP. Recently i spent almost 3-4 hours trying to do my work....because of the unbelivably sloowwwwness of the stupid laptop...finally i managed to finish it....tried to save....you know what happened?
i was so pissed lor...
so i decided to bring my new TURBO COMPUTER to work, since i spend most of my time here anyway...spent about two hours cleaning, vaccuming, packing, moving the tables and all... and so i present, my new workstation:
chio right? like doing big business lidat. my arms are still aching.....
recently have been writing in my friendster blog.....realised that i have friends that care, who bother to comment on my post with chim phrases and quotes of encouragement. it all really brightens my day. suddenly life doesn't seem as bleak...even grass looks greener. although my usual wit has sort of deserted me.......
have to stop here.....got tons of work to do...never-ending reports and assignments......later.
Monday, August 07, 2006
or something along the same lines......so embarassing, not to mention the night that followed was the worst night of my life. I was in constant, Cannot-take-it pain that made me break out in cold sweat, i couldn't walk straight, couldn't sleep; i was just thinking, just let me die or faint so i don't have to deal with the pain anymore......
but actually, as i was vomitting....i was thinking of how much weight i would lose purging all this waste out.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
random rants again
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. -- Dale Carnegie
its been really hectic these few weeks...with school starting and the group project and all. although work has been forgiving, school sucks. the group project will burn up most of my days, weekly group meetings are enjoyable but draining, and the delegation on work to do for the project has me doing the most for the time being. Thank God for understanding and helpful team members, or else sure break down lor.
you see, i made a pact with my classmates that if we managed to do the project together, i will do all the report-writing and they will handle the more technical parts......with an evil grin, i tot i was getting the better end of the deal......but i was wrong!!!! it seems that report writing is like 90% of the whole project lor.......luckily got theophane and isaac to help....*mops sweat*
recently have been having a bit of relationship problems, as you can see from the previous posts.....but now i have sort of bounced back from my depression, although still subject to violent and sudden mood swings. i still think that its cos i dun have enough sleep. thanks to all those who were willing to listen to my endless complaining of what seems to be the same thing over and over again. xie xie ni~ =)
Have been eating lots of good food lately, and have managed stop between my gobbling and taken a few pics.[when i say a few, really a few only] That day, I went with my godparents to the buffet at Novena. VERY SHOIK LOR! there was free flow of Buddha Jump Over the Wall, my current favourite soup [besides ta xia mian soup, which remains my first love]! i sup two bowls before heading to the buffet table to devour whatever they have there. there is sashimi, herbal crocodile soup, muchroom and chicken soup in adorable containers, toger prawns, crayfish, teppanyaki, abalone, cakes, many desserts and even a chocolate fountain....ok....my description like not very tempting.....please forgive me while i re-discover my flair...have lost touch somewhat recently.take a look instead:
sorry for the rough graphics....my handphone camera not very good....
next i want to introduce another favourite, Rocky Master's 9-inch Magarita!
this is like one of the BEST cheese pizzas that i have ever eaten. not to mention that its only $9.90! and its very very nice, and its a very big serving!! u just have to try it.
just thinking about it makes me hungry.....
til next time.