Friday, September 22, 2006

Weak Women

Was having my daily blog dose when i chanced upon this entry in Xiaxue's blog commenting about Weak Women. Click here to read.

I myself, being a weak woman before, after reading this particular entry, felt my brain suddenly jump into overdrive, all sorts of comments, situations just popping into mind, planning protest marches with all women wearing sexy bright pink mini-dresses, carrying big signs shouting "POWER TO WOMEN!" and "DOWN WITH WEAKNESS!", all the while giving come-hither looks to the men watching, making them realise that WE wear the trousers in any relationship and we are free to express ourselves in whatever way we want. The procession will be followed by a line of all the men that have hurt us before by being jerks, linked at the ankles by heavy chains, and a label hung around their necks depicting their crime. They will be placed on display for the public to read their labels, to know what bastards they are, for the passerbys to scorn at their previous "manly antics", at the same time ensuring that they will never get another date again.

Remember all the sacrifices that I did just to make my bf happy, without any sort of appreciation whatsoever. Getting a scolding in front of all his friends when a guy looked at me, with him exclaiming that it was because i was VAIN so make other guys look at me. Throwing away all the clothes that he proclaimed skimpy and "ugly". Enduring the sarcastic remarks he made about me being stupid and lazy. Him going home first cos his place was "nearer" and "along the way", making my way home myself and paying the taxi fare while i was at it. Allowing him to go clubbing with his friends, while he didn't allow me to meet my friends even for a meal. Allowing his "god-sister" to stay over his place cos she had "nowhere else to go", and getting a scolding when i expressed my unhappiness about it.

I was so relieved when i finally managed to break free from the emotions that was holding me back from leaving.

Sometimes I see my friends just allowing their bfs to take control and it seems that they can't do anything for themselves. Playing the part of the luo nu ren...I mean, mutual respect is important, but not to a point where what you wear, what you do and where you go must require permission.

Anything that interferes with food and shopping and ktv cannot be forgiven.

I know, i try to be strong, and not be weak...but sometimes you can't help but give in and just bear it.......we are not aiming for total domination, but at least we need to gain the respect, that we are not to be trifled with and we are not born to sit there and just look pretty and open our legs when they need it.

Let's be strong, girls.


Anonymous said...

Yes, same here... My boyfriend makes scathing remarks about me being brainless, lazy and clumsy. Ditto for that part about him thinking it is perfectly alright for him to go out and have fun with his friends, but wrong for us, their girlfriends, to want to spend time with our own friends. My boyfriend may not do the same things to me which your boyfriend did to you, but they are equally atrocious. My boyfriend hurls verbal abuse at me in public. English obscenities... Hokkien expletives... and whatever vile words one can think of. He is extremely short-tempered but adamantly refuses to admit the problem. He once threatened to break up with me almost 3 times in a week because of trivial matters and he insists he loves me more than he loved any other girl? Really, I don't know why I am still bearing with him.

I'm simply someone who shares your views, XiaXue's views and who have suffered the same way you did. Thank you for voicing out the words I never had the chance to say.

Blessed you be. Please be strong too, because I know I will be.


Philea said...

I'm with you, gal. I myself was in a bad relationship b4. Loved a man so much that I would just put up with everything. Then finally.. I broke away, and found someone else who knows how to treat me better and love me the way I want to be loved. Now I'm just oh so happy. :D