Monday, July 16, 2007

emotionally exhausted

it was a tough weekend...

quarrel after quarrel....

with him asking me to leave again....

we seem to be on different wavelengths...he doesn't understand why i behave the way i do.

and he just keeps adopting the "i'm right, you're wrong" attitude...

i'm starting to become paranoid, angry and picking at everything again.

now, i suddenly know why i'm so angry; why i keep pleading for him to show love and care, why i crave the comfort and concern...

i am afraid.

i fear he is back with me just because of habit, to complete his plan.

i fear that everytime he chases me away, is because he really wants to, and is using our quarrels as an excuse.

i fear that he will change his mind, that once i let go of my focus that i will nver be able to find my way back.

i fear that he no longer loves me.


Anonymous said...

Your efforts are not appreciated by him i feel. u had tried ur best n maybe it is time to let go perhaps. 1 day ur energy ill run out as u r support n prolonging teh r/s on ur own now.

Unknown said...

maybe i have to try to give up my pride to accomodate his? maybe he just doesn't love me the way i want him to, but he does in his own way? sometimes i also know that i ask for too much. takes both hands to clap; he is clapping back, but maybe we just keep missing each others hands.

Anonymous said...

maybe. hope its realli wat u said. hope he still loves you truely. hope all this would soon be over so things would go back to normal for u.

Unknown said...

i guess problems will always be there, won't it? No relationship is happy all the way. Besides, the posts won't be so juicy-ly depressing if there was no quarrels right?[making myself happy] Anyway i read blogs which are sickeningly happy and they have horribly contented lives....can't help but feel they are lying.

Anyway thanks for the well-wishes!