Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mykii - brasserie . cafe . desserts

Need a place to chill out with friends? To bring your current love interest? Hanging out with your mistress? Or simply to have good food and drinks in a cool atmosphere?

My friend's wife opened up a great place in Holland Village.

Great food, great ambiance, great place to unwind and just to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Its in Holland V, but not IN Holland V. That's the beauty of it.

with a comfy Mediterranean feel, the whites and blues of the cozy cafe invites intimate chats and comfortable gossip.

I went down to catch up with yang and chun kiat.
here's yang, trying to act cool.

TIP: If you need a refreshing drink, try the Iced Lemon Tea. I love it! not the sour plum nonsense you get nowadays; this is real tea. I had three glasses of that. mmmmm...

took a picture with two cuties that were there with their mum!

And it was time to start eating! We were starving! First stop: Ox-Tail Soup.

A tad too spicy for my tastes; but everyone knows that i dun even take was so tasty i braved the spice and finished up the soup while gobbling down the generous serving of succulent beef chunks. My father would love it lor.

For the main, I had the Beef Bulgogi Panini.

Wah Lau i tell you hor, the beef just melts in your mouth lor!!!! with the crisp bread enveloping the delicious pan flashed, Korean-spiced beef strips, plus sesame seeds, roasted capsicum and onions, I couldn't get enough of it! Damn shiok! Very korean flavour, i like!

*salivating at the memory*

good food invokes the Singlish in me.

Here are some of the dishes offered in the menu!

Thai Fusion Tamarind Glazed Chicken with Glass Noodle
Seafood Linguine with Laksa Pesto
[Chun Kiat has it whenever his wife allows him to sneak food from the kitchen]

Pissaladiere - an open-faced provencale tart dressed with a roasted capsicums, anchovies, olives and onion jam; for the health junkies.

Mezze Platter - with three delicious dips; for sharing!

For dessert: Mango & Vanilla Custard Trifle - dessert layered with almond sponge, mango chunks spiked with lime zest and lemongrass. Damn nice lor!
You HAVE to check it out.

More information at

oh and it's pronounced as "mee-kai";

although you can say "my-kee" to irritate chun kiat if you see him. Hahaha!

Opening Hours:

Sun - Thurs : 11.30am - 11pm

Fri - Sat : 11.30am - 1am

see ya there.


Anonymous said...

Eh, it's not closed whenever the food runs out la... That's what the opening hours are for.

Unknown said...

oops sorry haha!

Anonymous said...

Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.