Tuesday, August 29, 2006

bye, girl

Last Friday, my good friend, yenlin, left for Cambodia to work there indefinately. Even though she's coming back on Chinese New Year for a bit, we all couldn't help but be a bit sad when she left..... i mean like, its Cambodia lor......images of hungry children living in dilapadated houses and people going to discos holding fully loaded AKs as accessories........endless reminders of asking her to look on the ground when she walks around to avoid landmines......i really do hope she will be able to take the lifestyle there, and come back if she can't.....

so we met up with dongli, our jie mei, for old times sakes before she flew off...

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and ktv with guang and alex after that!

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had lots of fun...but every two minutes someone would mention cambodia, then it would all be jokes to cover up the fact that she was leaving....

Friday finally arrived....so we all made our way to the airport...

doing what we did best..hehheh...

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and a final group shot..

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now we have to wait till Chinese New Year.....but i'd probably go over and visit soon with guang...

i dunno....although me and her don't meet everyday, it just the fact that i know that she's not that near anymore....and giving her a call would cost a hell lot more than usual.

Girl, what would I do without you in Singapore?

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Anonymous said...

yenlin go cambodia?

i hope she takes care of herself there.

go there nv tell me :(

Unknown said...

she didn't want to make such a big deal about it....i hopes she can take it also....