Thursday, January 11, 2007

Last week of work

This is officially my last week of work before I can finally get to stay at home and bum...for a while at least.....i think i have many things to do when i finally get the chance to stay home lor...

1) Finish my assignments: I am terribly overdue with my assignments. got a one week extension [til 12th jan] but till now i haven't even touched it inspiration....i have to finish it tonight cos tomorrow's the due date....God help me.

2) Play Dota with my brother: i have promised him like a million years ago that i would play it with him when i brought my computer back from the office.....well its at home now....but i havent got the time or mood to start mastering a new strategy game, even if the graphics are superb..

3) Pack my room: This ones a room is all laden with shopping bags, books, bags, new purchases, and god knows what else......i have no wall or floor left visible. Every available surface or corner is chock full of items, and making my way around my room is only possible by climbing up and down the bed, which is the only clear thing in my room. My wardrobe is overflowing, and clothes are all around the place......I HAVE TO PACK BEFORE NEW YEAR!!

thats about it so far....just thinking about them makes me tired......will update when i think of anymore...

now i have to go back to finding things to do in the office with my cousin's hawk eyes scrutinising every movement i make.


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