thanks you for offering me encouragement and advice throughout this difficult period.
just one thing i think you guys are not clear about...
no matter how pathetic i make myself seem, how miserable i might appear, please get one thing straight.........remember, as i mentioned in my posts...I caused it.
i did a great wrong to him thats why he is so undecided right now. i dismissed him heartlessly even though he tried for 5mths to desperately try and win me back. it was until he totally gave up hope on me and left did i realise that i wanted him back....selfish huh....
of cos i dun admit that everything is totally my fault lah.....i left cos he was too demanding.......and now, im so miserable because he is so undecided and i feel like i'm dangling in mid air, unable to go up or down. he has also changed; not as caring as before, unable to give 100 per cent. His bad.
why do i want to go back, you ask me? why when he seems to be playing around with my feelings?
its because he really is very very nice to me, and he really really loves me, despite all that has happened.
so try not to keep saying him ok? no relationship is smooth-sailing right?
i know you care. thanks peeps, for helping me get through this period and lending a listening eye. =)
update: i did a bit of rewording, cos the comment made me realise i wasn't clear in what i was trying to say. thanks for making me realise, unknown commenter.