Monday, May 19, 2008

heartbreak..and mends...and breaks again

haven't had the mood nor the time to do much.

have been drinking lots recently, wanting company but preferring to be alone.
because the company i crave is the one that doesn't appear.

day and night, every second of the day, his face plays over and over in my mind, like a broken record.
my heart aches whenever i go past places we've been, bringing back memories of things we have done before.

reading through his messages over and over....reminiscing, smiling to myself.

i am not me anymore.
the old melissa would have moved on long ago.
the old melissa would have given up.

after everything, i still hold on to the hope.
I know its right, it feels right.
i truely believe that I am not stupid, although sometimes i feel like a fool.

dun ask me to give up, dun try to make me change my mind.
i will hate anyone who does that.
go away and leave me alone.

i know what i want. i know he loves me.
This whole relationship has met with obstacles after obstacles.
There's so much more we have to go through together.
But surprising we still held on.

so this is love. but it's full of question marks.

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