Tuesday, August 11, 2009

still awake

i'm sooooo tired.

slept for about 20 minutes and woke up at 2plus am. At least i think i slept.

tossed and turned till 4plus and i gave up trying.
was supposed to wake at 5.30am.

got training later...have to do CPR. I think its a cursed subject for me.
the last time i went for my CPR test i was suffering from a hangover, vomitting the whole night.

i had to do the freaking test 5 times before i finally passed.
my pressure was all wrong, and i think if the dummy was a real person, his ribs would have turned into powder from all my colorful variations of pumping on his chest.

i can actually start preparing for class now lor. slowly have my breakfast and tea...and reach there before anyone else. And i will probably fall asleep in the early afternoon.

i'm so screwed.

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