Tuesday, August 14, 2007


i am sooooooooooo tired!

work is horrible......can you believe that i don't even have time to eat? thank God i brought bread or i'd probably have to crawl home....

no time for break at all....everyday is rush rush rush......theres a deadline for this document, for that submission, for this updating......i can hardly stand up once i finis work.....

stupid system


anyway he's in KL for work now....
i guess my posts have been kinda depressing recently...sorry bout that.

i miss him....wonder if he misses me?
or is he glad to finally have a break away from me?

i think i think too much.....

but i can't help it! it comes naturally...
although if work keeps going on like this, i wouldn't have much brain cells to be able to think anymore.....


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