Saturday, May 05, 2007

i live alone; absolutely alone

the BF has found out something that has changed his perspective of me forever...

harsh words were exchanged, he wanted to leave; i shamelessly clung on to him for dear life...crying, begging, pleading....don't leave me, i can't live without you...

too late i realised the folly of my ways, too late have i tried to salvage the dying relationship; too late did i realise what i really needed and wanted....i have seen what i did wrong, and i have tried so hard to clear it all up.....and i almost did....

till he found out.

now, no matter what i say and do, its no use anymore...i hurt him beyond words, and he will never forgive me...what should be said has been spoken, nothing will ease the pain and change the fact. now all i can do is sit and watch as he drifts out of my reach, as i shed bitter tears for the unsolvable situation which me, and me alone, caused.

i love you, i regret, i know what i did wrong. please forgive me dear, come back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Everything happens for a reason so I hope you'll stay positive. You are still young and still have a long path forward. I totally understand what you are going thru' but hope you'll get out of it fast coz I'm very very sure you have a better life ahead.

Let me know if you need to talk.
