Monday, December 29, 2008 i go again.
Pick up is at 6am.
at least it disrupted my Columbo turn.
back on 31st night.
.....any more coincidences?
i wonder where I heard that one before.
thanks ah, chun kiat.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
packing my bags
Tue 18°C - 17°C
Wed 20°C - 17°C
Thu 19°C - 17°C
will be rainy, and is the beginning of winter.
should i bring a thicker jacket? cos i'm so afraid of the cold.
or should i bring long sleeves and a jacket; but i dun own a mid-range jacket.
should i bring my new yellow mango cotton trench? but i scared i look too dressed-up, cos have to match with boots.
it's very question-mark weather.
i have no idea what to pack.
and i don't have much time left to decide.
maybe i should just bring a bit of each.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's starting to feel a bit like Christmas..
will be spending Christmas eve there, and flying back on Christmas Day.
I don't know about you, but I haven't been feeling the Christmas spirit for a while now.
But am still a bit excited about counting down in Taipei, even though i can't spend it with my loved ones. Will be flying there with some of the crew that did the turn today! it was a great flight, and we all worked well together! we clicked and had fun. too bad can't go with the same crew tomorrow...~ but some were quite enthu; said that we should sleep the whole day, and go for the countdown and celebrate til call time. Siao.
i can't wait to go shopping!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Back again.
well, back from Fukuoka. Short trip, but managed to do some Christmas shopping.
got some stuff from agnès b for pressies. so cheap there!

*pic from another blog. will post pics of mine when i get it done.
got this bag charm with turquiose crystals! three of them for me, charmaine and yenlin.
its so gorgeous! and i got a keychain for alex too!
update when i have the strength.
It was a bad flight back. stupid chief.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
So Upset....
but this morning, that fateful call made me so upset....
i got called up for Fukoka, and will be back only on that day itself; meaning i will miss the eve and most of the day...
and i had so much planned.
i hate disappointments. =(
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Greetings from Brisbane
and i'm blogging cos I managed to get possession of the computer in the crew room.
i'm tired and had four Heinekens, so am a bit slow on the keyboard now.
its saturday and i'm stuck in brisbane with nothing to do but grab free internet access.
the crew is so boring....all they want to do is sleep!
i went out to buy food and i saw this cool looking club with awesome dance music blasting out of the doors. but i had to kuai-ly follow the rest and went back to the room to nurse my beers while watching The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, which is quite a cool show btw.
am a bit intoxicatedly high together with a fucked up keyboard so typing very slow now.
i probably would go out to have a walk in a while to soak up brisbane since i am apparantly friendless cos no ones's msging me on msn.
such a waste to spend saturday night cooped up in a room, isn't it?
God, i feel so alone.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Bimbo Alert
i was sitting in my dad's stream last night, ready to drive off, turned the ignition, sat and enjoyed the blast of aircon, put it to "drive", released the footbrake and stepped on the accelerator...
....with no response.
after much meddling, I was just about to give up when......
i realised I hadn't started the car.
i need to get my brains moving. STAT.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Back from The Cold Country
I wanted to go out and drown my sorrows in a blissful afternoon of mindless money spending but i got too lazy to do it, like i have been recently.
after starting flying, all i want to do when i'm home is to drink endless mugs of sweet tea, play games and basically do nothing. even thinking about dressing up, putting on makeup to go out, makes me feel so tired! i mean, i miss hanging out with my friends, i miss responding to last minute calls for a night's out, i miss feeling gorgeous and feeling good about myself. I wonder if i will get that feeling again.
I have been making a detour down the well-trodden path of long ago. i'm sure yet still not sure; scared to fall again. scared to stop and look back and wonder again. i don't know if i want to do this or not.
i wish everything was clearer.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
all served out
i've been so tired recently, that all my free time is dedicated to sleep, reading and playing games.
plus i have no idea where i put my card reader, so i can't upload any pictures lor.
am resting after a BKK turn yesterday, and will be going to Auckland tomorrow evening and back on sunday.
My roster for next month is not too bad, except that i have four turns and four full day standbys. So tiring! i got called up for a Columbo turn on my last standby and it was damn tiring loR!! the call lights went on like christmas lights and i didn't get any chance to rest for the whole trip! i just hope i dun get called up during Auckland cos I am on standby there too..
well, shall update soon ya?
Friday, October 31, 2008
sad day
she struggled and passed away from multiple internal injuries; plus she hit her head and her brain was clogged with blood....her brain died an hour after the shock. her kidneys ruptured, and her bones were shattered.
she just turned 21.
i wish i knew her better.
we still dunno why she did what she did....
but it doesn't seem that she did what she did.
its weird.
Rest In Peace, Regine.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The beginning of a new journey
Osaka and Perth was great!
I met some really nice people and made many new friends.
wonder if we'll keep in contact or ever see each other again...
didn't buy much things, due to the short time there and also cos i didn't know where to go..
but i bought mostly food stuffs!
tidbits and crackers and chips and all haha!
will upload pics and give details soon!!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Busy Busy
I just completed my SEP training, with ongoing exams today and tomorrow.
It was only 6 days.
yet it seemed like 6 weeks.
i wonder why time seems to be moving so fast yet so slowly.
sometimes i wish that i was still with HOTstuff, enjoying the bustle, stressing out over stressful things, deadlines and photoshoots.
sometimes i think back and i wished i did things in other ways, rather than how i reacted.
i suddenly don't feel like flying anymore.
but i miss my batch mates when they are not around.
i always feel so happy to see them, and i even wake in the weekend, missing classes.
apart from exams, we have to prepare a performance for our graduation.
which is a waste of ime, if you ask me.
with all the training and exams going on, who has time to plan and organise so many things!
and it doesn't help that the foreign crew are not very responsive, and expect the graduation to just form itself. I became chairman without my knowledge. and i tell you, it's a pain when you are facing this shit when you already have so much on your mind!
no thanks to kai and christine to keep pushing me to have some action.
i think there might be something wrong with me.
i hate having my heart doesn't seem to heal properly.
maybe i'm just a horrible person that no one cares about.
i feel ugly.
i think i need plastic surgery.
my thoughts are so random hor.
i need more intellectual stimulation.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Lousy Week
first my grandmother passed away.
then i heard some stuff that made me so upset.
my heart aches.
that morning, i dropped my compact on the floor.
it shattered and all the bits of pressed powder was all over the floor.
i was crying when i cleaned it up.
christine was mean to me; kinda.
i was trying to tell her some stuff cos i was feeling down, then she made some unfeeling comment.
i almost cried; and ignored her cos i would either burst into tears or lose my temper.
it was a trying week for me.
i'm so drained.
a weird thing happened.
my mum called and asked me if i lit a joss stick for the alter today.
i didn't.
she came home to find that a joss stick was there;
but it was lit UPSIDE-DOWN.
she was the only one who lit a joss stick today.
and was cracking her head to remember if she accidently lit it wrongly.
alex said it might be a sign that my grandma visited us and left a mark.
it was the seventh day of her passing.
natural she came home for the last time cos she lived here.
my goosebumps stood up.
but its my own grandma, anyway.
i seriously hope tomorrow is a better day.
Friday, September 19, 2008
the ones who love me i dun treasure; the ones who I care about don't give a fuck about me.
I went to look at Ivan's friendster profile.
New pictures of him and that girl.
and the chaser.
i got kinda upset...melancholic.
sometimes i think, maybe there's something wrong with me?
when i give it my best and put in my heart, something inevitably goes wrong.
and i get my heart broken.
maybe there's something really wrong with me.
maybe i'm not good enough.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My First Flight!
I'll be going to Osaka on 23rd October! And Perth on 26th!
it's kinda shitty though, cos i won't be flying with Christine, but Renee instead.
I don't really talk to Renee, and I was hoping that could fly with Christine... =(
so upset!
and Osaka is an overnight flight!
Both flights only stay there for 24hrs.
Fly today, come home tomorrow.
anyway, i heard that Japanese passengers can be demanding.
They don't say when they are unhappy and tell you everything's fine.
But they send a complaint letter after that!!
Maybe its cos they expect the best service! and they are too polite to say anything in your face.
oh i'm so worried.
what if i get a complaint on my first flight??
and training flight somemore.
i will try my best.
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A painful loss
She had struggled with cancer for the past six years.
She was strong and never complained, enduring the painful treatments and trying out new drugs in a bid to be healthy again.
She lost the battle with cancer.
My grandmother is 76.
These five days, we have been at the wake;
Keeping awake the whole night, protecting my grandmother as she laid frail and peaceful in her coffin.
she has become so thin.
her body bears the scars of the many blood tests and medicines that were used to try and cure her, but in vain.
she is but a shadow of the bubbly person she used to be.
as we went through the simple rites to lead her into the other side, we took a last look before the coffin was sealed forever. I can't accept it. She looks like she is just sleeping. its so surreal; i can't believe she is really gone.
i was filled with regret as i recalled how little i did, so caught up in my own life, instead of treating her better. I brushed her off when she tried to chat with me, as I disliked her nagging. She gave me advice and concern when i was upset; took care of me when I was sick. Although we weren't very close, these years that she lived in my house, we managed to create a neutral relationship.
i helped her paint her nails, i helped her take the rap when my mum was being unreasonable. I laughed with her, I bought food for her. I tried to care. But now i feel that I could have done so much more.
I wish I painted her nails again before she left us. I know she would like to have nicely painted nails when she left this world. I wish i did that for her.
we had to push the hearse to the main road, as we sent our grandmother on the path to her final journey. my tears just flowed freely. its so unfair. i don't believe its real.
we watched as the coffin was sent to be cremated. words cannot describe the sorrow we felt.
Rest in Peace Grandmother.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
new environment
I have been so busy nowadays!
training and all is fun so far!
but gets a bit boring after a while!
and i gained so much weight cos of having so many breaks during the day!
my friends commented that my face is very round now......=(
i need to lose weight!!!!!!
well....recently have been regulars at the SIA Sports Club.
me and my batch mates, christine and jimmy, have been going to the pub there after a long day of training to have a jug or two before heading home.
i'm sooo lucky to have them by my side!
training doesn't seem as torturous now!
on the downside, every morning is a big hassle and rush, as i have to apply full makeup and bun my hair before leaving for training! I am still trying to do the french twist, but in vain...
with the bun and makeup, i look like a chinese acrobat street performer.
* love life is a bit complicated at this point in time, stagnant actually.
so no complaints there.
went to visit my grandma at the hospice yesterday.
she is just slowly deteriorating.
so painful to see her becoming so skeletal, and so weak.
but i'd rather she stop struggling and give up, so that she doesn't have to suffer anymore.
doctor says it would probably be these few days.
i will try to update pictures and more intelligent posts soon ya?
now i just want to rest.
Friday, August 08, 2008
One closed door
Mixed feelings, leaving behind all the things and people that I love and care about.
But i have my new path to look forward to.
kinda scary though.
Monday, August 04, 2008
present for me!~
i asked him was it a car? a plane? was it pink?
i went home to find a box on my bed.
i opened it to find.....a HP2133!!~
its a mini-lappie!! 9inches! with webcam and all!
my dad said that i could carry it around when i fly and use it to MSN home if there's internet connection!
so happy!!
Saturday, August 02, 2008

i think he is too free lor.
of cos i write what i think, then should i stick to boring stuff like gas prices and CNG?
he made it sound like i am not allowed to voice out my opinions.
i guess he's probably offended cos he identified himself with one of the character classifications that i mentioned in my recent article.
not happy then dun read lah!
say i pull down the standard of the magazine somemore.
i gave it leverage ok.
the poor guy probably doesn't have much friends, and his favourite pastime is probably finding fault with people, and counting the number of words in magazine articles.
Monday, July 28, 2008
wake up call
i drank and drank...then i woke up and everything was fresh again
im so lucky to have people who care, who believe in me
who loves me for who i am, without judging me.
so what if i can't find true love now? it doesn't matter to me much anymore
so long as i have my friends, and my loved ones beside me every step of the way.
i might not know what i want, but i know what i DON'T want.
and i have to take the first step to eliminate what's bad for me
i'm much happier with what i have left, instead of worrying over what i'm going to lose.
i believe i will have my turn; maybe not anytime soon, but someday...
with each bold step i take, i'm following my destiny, that may lead me to my eventual happiness.

I just want to be happy.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Tiring Saturday
It was held at that fateful place, Changi Exhibition Centre, again.
I get hit with so many memories when im there.
Guess what?
I was happily walking along, and minding my own business, when from the corner of my eyes, i saw a couple. They were sitting comfortably in one of the buildings, watching the drifting. I approached and took a glance.
it was him.....with her.
all the past memories suddenly hit me like a rock.
when he approached my way with her hanging on his arm.
when he knew that i was coming, and he insisted that she followed him against his will.
when he shifted all the blame to me, by believing in rumours and pulling up my past.
when i found out she was still around.
when i tried to be nice and explain and make him trust me.
when he ran away, leaving me alone with them.
when he left me, to give her another chance.
and to think that i tried to believe.
but surprisingly, i didn't hurt.
my mind just went blank.
i already guessed, although he was avoiding answering when i asked.
i just walked past them, pretending that i didn't see them.
i contemplated going up to say hi or something.
But i only have enough control to walk away and regard them as renovation materials.
i don't think i can stand trying to make conversation.
i'm not strong enough for that.
i just want to be loved.
to have someone that i love who loves me
who belongs wholeheartedly to me.
i should have the right to choose shouldn't i?
and not be forced.
i hate him. for the wuss that he is.
i hate myself for being so stupid.
i hate Changi Exhibition Centre.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
low esteem
"You possess an original mind and singular expression that makes you so unique and special. Give yourself credit for being one-of-a-kind. Anyone who's with you is a lucky person, and don't you forget it!"
it made me feel better. i need words of encouragement more than ever now.
have been rather down recently.
thinking about stuff before and at present.
my confidence and esteem level is at its all time low.
i feel ugly, i feel low, i feel unhappy.
maybe its cos its that time of the month.
so tired from everything.
now im frantically trying to clear all my stuff before i leave.
im not sure if i can do that.
my editor's threatening me with my early release cos i'm so slack nowadays.
can i help it if i don't really give a fuck anymore?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
i believe i can fly
managed to convince my boss to let me off in a month's time.
so my last day is august 8th.
my training starts on August 14th.
i hope everything goes well....
have tried to get back in the dating game......but i realise that i can't bring myself to play tiring, and it so different and so difficult!
last time was so much easier...
maybe i'm losing my charm?
Saturday, July 05, 2008
even though i have been resting at home and sleeping earlier than usual, I still feel so tired and lethargic. my whole body is nua and i keep yawning.
maybe its the after effects of my badminton workout last week?
I feel old...!
* still waiting for the i called SIA instead.
She was busy and asked me to call back on Monday.
so i have to wait the weekend ...... -_-
its a tiring day today....
last night went to Dragonfly for Meta's birthday.....i think the place is really packed and really boring actually. I didn't even have the chance to dance much cos i kept having to give way to the passing crowd...i really think its a waste of time, maybe like going occasionally for the music or dance, but every week? Nah......i'd rather go to least I have a place to sit.
after the late night, have to force myself to wake this morning...
went to Kallang Leisurepark for the Tamiya Endurance Race.
don't even know how to control the stupid remote control car, keep banging the walls and getting knocked by all the other cars.......our team's car ended the race without the front bumper and bended skirtings....and in last place. hahaha.
i prefer driving the real thing anytime.
after that rushed down with my brother to join my colleagues in badminton again.
was so tiring! but i think i was better than last week cos i could last longer without rest this time.
feels good to exercise! i need to lose some weight....
i'm looking forward to a nice long sleep tonight.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
they informed me that my three-month notice might be too long and they don't know if they can wait. oh no! what am I going to do then? then they said don't quit from my job first until the official call. so am i supposed to wait til they call then? the worse thing is that if you get rejected then they will send you a letter to let you know.
so i have to wait again...
awww....and i thought it was confirmed.
i guess ite more or less confirmed as there are no more interviews left, but they just need people to start asap.
and i have to wait for a week before they will make the offer.
oh no....should i tender first?
strangely, everyone else is more excited than me.
to me, maybe its like nothing has happened yet, so i'm still quite indifferent.
Maybe i'll start bouncing for joy when i finally sign the letter and get confirmed.
suddenly, i don't want to leave.
im afraid that if i'm not around, no one would miss me.
that i would be forgotten, by my loved ones...
would they?
well.....maybe wait for the call and see how it goes...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Now i have to get my medical checkup results approved, and they will make me an offer.
and i have to quit from my job soon....
its kinda sad though.....i really love what i am doing, i love the people, the free booze, the friends i have made, the challenges i have faced....
There is a rainbow in my heart.
I rejoice because I am getting away from this draining environment.
But I cry because leaving would take me away from his world.
Friday, June 20, 2008
why does he keep bringing up my past to accuse me!
worse thing is that i haven't done ANY of the things he accused me of!!
i hate all these people who spread rumours about me and try to drive the wedge between us deeper. all my fucking life, i have been gossiped about, accused, disliked. i haven't even done anything! the rumours and gossips are all never even close to the truth.
why do they always do this to me? what have i ever done to deserve all these unfounded accusations? what have i ever done to them...why do they have to talk about me like that. why do people hate me so much...
i am so sad, so frustrated.
everything i try so hard to do, wasting my breath to explain and convince and pacify, when he should be the one doing it! he was the one that was unfaithful, that lied, that left me standing alone! he was the one that chose to leave me for her! he was the one that was in the wrong but i gave in time and time again, i believed him, and i gave him time. i tried to be patient, and understanding. and he fucking took it for granted! what's the point of m trying so hard but for nothing?!?! and i have to keep explaining to him over and over to explain my fucking PAST!!
and all done without even having a fucking clue whether we will ever get back again.
listen up, bastard, I should be the one thinking, I should be the one choosing, I should be the one that deserves an explanation, Not YOU. Go ahead, be childish and narrow. keep blaming me for my PAST and question the choices i made, the things that happened. if you were looking for someone that never had a boyfriend before, you're looking the wrong direction. You fell in love with me for ME; for my quirks, for my habits, for the way i talk, the way i loved you wholeheartedly. But now you're blaming me for being ME?!?!?! GROW UP!!!
and it hurts so fucking much that......he doesn't realise what i have sacrificed, and what i have done, for him. he will never know and appreciate what i did. he doesn't even seem to admit that he is wrong in any way, or that he has hurt me so badly....he doesn't know.
im so drained, so tired, so down. the light within me has extinguished, due to the tremendous effort i put in to try to make him stay. i know now that it is of no use. i have to stop the tears from falling, as my heart bleeds when i chase him away, chasing away the one that makes me so happy, yet so sad.
i love you so much, darling.
But please go away.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Russell Peters
This guy is a genius!
I laughed my guts out.
Warning: Racial Jokes & Coarse References
don't watch if you are a wuss.
45mins of pure comedy.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Crying Without Tears

Extrcted from
True Love?
its great. Read it and think.
In most cases we think: this is true love, when in fact it’s not. But than if this ain’t love than what it is? There are plenty of things that we confuse with love.
It could be just the basic instinct. The feelings can be passionate and crazy, but in fact both people may want only sex. And after it all the misunderstanding starts, and once infatuated lovers will find out that they have nothing in common and sometimes they don’t even know what to talk with each other.
Another variant is when people lack support, care and attention to their person or they just scared to stay single. Being with someone can be a habit when one simply got used to the other. It can either be a sick addiction or some self-interest. People call all these types of relationship love just by mistake or trying to conceal the true nature of it.
But than what does real love look and feel like? Maybe it’s when two people seem to know each other for ages and even in their previous lives. They can go on talking and talking and conversation never lacks topics and never gets dull. Or people don’t have to say anything because they understand each other without words. And those moments, minutes and even hours of silence are never uncomfortable. True love is when partners complete one another, when they’re together it’s peaceful, the whole other world with it’s sufferings and problems doesn’t exist and nothing even matters.
True love means understanding. One trusts another more than him/herself and feels ready to satisfy every little need of a partner. Two people don’t stop for a second looking into each other eyes.
It’s said that two persons truly in love aren’t looking at each other but in the one direction. And this is rather reasonable because they don’t say nothing “this is yours and this is mine” and share everything: friends, enemies, interests, problems and etc. One has his/her own identity but sees him/herself only as a part of the other. Still real love is not a relationship of property. If you really love someone you may say “I belong you” but always be ready to let go if it makes the person you love happy.
Jealousy stands out of the true love. How can one be jealous if there’s so much love and faithfulness? Real love doesn’t long for power, it doesn’t want to hurt, doesn’t want to punish for mistakes, it’s self-sacrificing and ready to forgive other and other again. But it’s wrong to think that true love is always a suffering, it only means that you take a person as he or she is and don’t expect the one you love to be perfect.
True love isn’t supposed to blow your mind, yet it doesn’t tend to get and to possess – it’s a and very special state of a soul.But the question that true love is still has no definite answer. Do we truly love only once in our life? At what age are we supposed to meet our love? Does it last for a lifetime or just for a while? Probably everyone has his own answers to this questions. The truth is that no one should spend life chasing ideals or building relationships by some model of a true love. One will probably fail and miss the real thing beyond all this.
We should remember that very many things we need to supply our healthy and comfortable living but only the true feeling of love makes life really longer and happier.
sad fact
Life is so ironic, isn't it?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hugh Grant And Haley Bennett - Way Back Into Love
I think this song is wonderfully soothing.
And touches the heart with its simplicity.
Way Back Into Love
- Hugh Grant And Haley Bennett [OST of Music & Lyrics]
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need 'em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do
is find a way back into love
I can't make it through
without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do
is find a way back into love
I can't make it through
without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do
is find a way back into love
I can't make it through
without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Kiss - Because I'm A Girl
i always cry when i watch this.
unrequited love? guys always never realise.
i wonder who would love me enough to make that sacrifice for me.
would it be too late then.
WedsSport SA-70
Friday, June 13, 2008
Freaky Friday
I have always been fascinated by superstitions.
But for some weird reasons, Friday the 13th, deemed the most unlucky day in the western world, has always been a good day for me.
and this one is no different. =)
I guess just one good encounter would be sufficient to make the whole day rosy.