Friday, March 03, 2006

Presenting, Me! The Goddess of Love

i just had a weird conversation with one of my friends, let's call him "Phillip". Philip just got into a relationship with a girl [duh!] and is quite nervous. And has been asking me a lot of weird things lately, about relationships about how a girl feels if this happens and how a guy feels when he behaves like that...etc...some of the questions I have never even thought about before [maybe i have, but if i did, i don't remember. Weird thing is, I can actually think of answers to his questions!

*face lights up* Maybe God made me to help shed light on the relationship problems of my clueless friends, allowing them to embrace the beauty of love [and good sex]!

so I'm like...Cupidress, The Goddess Of Love! ask anyone that have been enlightened by me and they will explain to you my POWER!

I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I throw the reality of life into your faces and explain what you have been blinding yourself from. sometimes its takes a third party to tell you what you don't realise. You will all go "Oh Yah Hor!" after listening to my revelational speech. Worship my words, my ignorant children! *glows with internal white light*

I pride myself for being open, for being able to discuss any topic under the sun *ahem*. But this particular bit of the MSN conversation left me, the usually articulate, never-will-have-nothing-to-tu-back, gorgeous self of mine, utterly speechless for a while [ok, is unable to type an appropriate answer, cos its MSN:

Philip: yay~
me: ...
me: u go measure urs ah
Philip: ..
Philip: i think Mine is 5...+++
Philip: near to ..6 bah
Philip: got lah very long ago
me: ...
Philip: depends on mood also lah
me: ermmm
me: sharing stops here
Philip: okay!
Philip: *the end*

He was blatantly discussing his member size.

at this point, the room was staring to feel uncomfortably hot...i mean...this is my friend......offering redundant and rather comfortable unrequested information*mops perspiring forehead*...he who used to be innocent...tainted by the not-so-innocent Cupidress.....not that i mind......but still.....

since when did i become so conservative?

Note to self: must see doctor

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