Chun kit wah ruk mun keu kwahm pook pun I thought love was a relationship
Kit wah ruk tae dtong dern pahn wun lae welah I thought true love must pass time
ยิ่งเนิ่นนาน นานไปเท่าไร ความรักยิ่งมีค่า
Ying nern nahn nahn pbai tao rai kwahm ruk ying mee kah The longer the time period, however long, love gets more valuable
ที่ฉันรู้ที่เคยฝัน รักที่ฉันเคยเข้าใจ
Tee chun roo tee koey fun ruk tee chun koey kao jai That I once knew as a dream, love that I once understood
Mai kit mai fun meua tur pahn kao mah I didn’t think, didn’t dream when you showed up
Meuan wah sai dtah chun eng mong mai hen krai krai Like my eyes couldn’t see anyone else
หยุดที่เธอแค่เพียงสบตา และวินาทีนั้น
Yoot tee tur kae piang sop dtah lae winahtee nun I stopped when you caught my eye, and that second
โลกทั้งโลกหยุดเคลื่อนไหว ท้องฟ้ากลับสดใส
Lohk tung lohk yoot kleuan wai nong fah glup sot sai The whole world stopped moving, the sky brightened again
*ลมหายใจ เหมือนหยุดไปในห้วงนาทีนี้
Lom hai jai meuan yoot pbai nai huang nahtee nee It’s like my breath stopped in that minute
เช่นหัวใจ ลอยหลุดไปทันทีที่สบตา
Chen hua jai loy loot pbai tun tee tee sop dtah Like my heart floated away as soon as you looked at me
เธอหยุดยั้งวันเวลา แค่เราได้พบกันในวันนี้
Tur yoot yung wun welah kae rao dai pob gun nai wun nee You stopped the time, just us meeting today
Kae pop jur gup tur Just running into you…
Chun perng kao jai wah ruk pben yahng nee I just understood that love is like this
Chun perng kao jai meua dai mah jur duay dtua eng I just understood when I got to meet you
เสี้ยวนาทีก็มีความหมาย เปลี่ยนโลกได้ทั้งใบ
Siao natee gor mee kwahm mai pblian lohk dai tung bai A fraction of a minute that meant so much, that changed the whole world
ฉันเพิ่งรู้ในวันนี้ รักไม่ต้องการเวลา
Chun perng roo nai wun nee ruk mai dtong gahn welah I just realized today that love doesn’t need time
ลมหายใจ เหมือนหยุดไปในห้วงนาทีนี้
Lom hai jai meuan yoot pbai nai huang natee nee It’s like my breath stopped in that minute
เช่นหัวใจ ลอยหลุดไปทันทีที่สบตา
Chen huajai loy loot pbai tun tee tee sop dtah Like my heart floated away as soon as you looked at me
เธอหยุดยั้งวันเวลา แค่เราได้พบกันในวันนี้
Tur yoot yung wun welah kae rao dai pop gun nai wun nee You stopped the time, just us meeting today
แค่พบเจอกับเธอ ก็รักเธอ.. ฉันรักเธอ..
Kae pob jur gup tur gor ruk tur…chun ruk tur… Just running into you, I love you… I love you…
เหมือนหัวใจ เหมือนหยุดไปในห้วงเวลานี้
Meuan hua jai meuan yoot pbai nai huang welah nee It’s like my heart stopped in this moment
เมื่อพบเธอ ความรักที่เคยเข้าใจก็เปลี่ยนไป
Meua pob tur kwahm ruk tee koey kao jai gor pblian pbai When I met you, love as I understood it changed
ไม่ต้องใช้วันเวลา แค่เราได้พบกันในวันนี้
Mai dtong chai wun welah kae rao dai pob gun nai wun nee There’s no need to use time, just us meeting together today
แค่พบเจอกับเธอ ก็รักเธอ… ฉันรักเธอ..
Kae pop jur gup tur gor ruk tur… chun ruk tur… Just running into you, I love you… I love you…
I guess I'm always banking on the hope that he still feels the same way, that my constant msging and calls are not irritating him instead, that he still thinks of me fondly throughout the day.
Suddenly it feels that I am a stranger, someone that is irritating him, like a fly that keeps buzzing at your ear but you can't see it to swipe it away. Whenever I finally get him on the line, I can't help but be sad and depressed, not at all the happy-go-lucky girl that used to be me. But how to remain happy when all I want is to have him by my side??
It's eerily familiar how he says he needs time to think and all without actually giving a reason. That's how I used to when I wanted to put someone down gently. Maybe he just doesn't want me around anymore, and hopes that this space or time apart will make me slowly walk away whilst not wishing ill upon him. IT'S NOT WORKING BABY.
I feel lost, i feel desperate, i feel upset and unhappy. Maybe he's no longer in love with me anymore, after all my moods and sarcasm and mad logic; maybe it's really me. Maybe all he wants is to get back to his other life and back to his bachelorhood. Maybe I'm like a SUPER hinderance in his quest for happiness[not exactly the perfect girlfriend recently] Maybe there's something wrong with me, too needy, too loud, too friendly, too much. maybe I don't make him happy anymore. Maybe we stopped being happy together. Maybe he stopped being happy with me.