Thursday, April 15, 2010

sleepless in ang mo kio

1.13am and i'm still awake, tossing and turning in my bed as I have been for the past few weeks.

mind full of thoughts as I subconciously go through [yet again] the story of the book that I just [re]read. another cheap, trashy novel, chockful of hope and dreams. same old story; girl has a chain of unsuccessful relationships, girl moves away due to family commitments, girl meets guy, girl falls in love with guy, guy unknowingly falls in love with girl's charm/smile/witty sense of humour/upbeat outlook to life/strength in dealing with problems/ability to make him laugh, guy reveals he is engaged, couple break up, guy comes back when he realises that girl is the one he loves, girl forgives guy...and they live happily ever after.

funny how they never show the next chapter.

that got me thinking, these books and their plot, however predictable, all with different twists, still almost always end in the same way; happily ever after. Why do we, as consumers, pay to read the same stuff, to know the same ending?

i guess, in the struggle to get through life, all we want and wish for, is to find happiness. No one wants to die alone and lonely. Not me, at least.

I've spent my life in search for my own happiness. I've gone through a huge array of men, from all walks of life, all ages, all shapes and sizes. So far all i've gotten are heartbreaks, shedded tears, and a whole load of shit stories that I entertain my friends with. Maybe its time to see what I've been doing wrong, instead of blaming them for being wrong.[although some really, REALLY deserve it]

Or maybe i've been going out with all the Mr.Wrongs.

But then again, maybe I'm the one that has the problem.

Am I the cause of my own string of failed relationships?

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Slightly darker

Was looking forward to a nice beach holiday [and still am!] but forces of nature made it apparant that this was not in the stars for now.

contented with lying at the pool, reading my book and getting a tan. smiles all around.

we must be mad cos we went to the pool at like 12 noon. damn hot! well, at least managed to get the sun before the rain clouds took over its shift.

eat, pool, eat, sleep, eat....!
wish we had more time.

'Twas a great, lazy time. Just wonderful.

What's next?