Saturday, December 06, 2008

Greetings from Brisbane

it's 12.42am in Brisbane now.

and i'm blogging cos I managed to get possession of the computer in the crew room.

i'm tired and had four Heinekens, so am a bit slow on the keyboard now.
its saturday and i'm stuck in brisbane with nothing to do but grab free internet access.

the crew is so boring....all they want to do is sleep!

i went out to buy food and i saw this cool looking club with awesome dance music blasting out of the doors. but i had to kuai-ly follow the rest and went back to the room to nurse my beers while watching The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, which is quite a cool show btw.

am a bit intoxicatedly high together with a fucked up keyboard so typing very slow now.

i probably would go out to have a walk in a while to soak up brisbane since i am apparantly friendless cos no ones's msging me on msn.

such a waste to spend saturday night cooped up in a room, isn't it?

God, i feel so alone.

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