Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In Dubai

Its 1.22am here, 5.29am singapore time.

the crew just left my room, after a cooking session and a Gossip Girl:Season 2 marathon. Nope we didn't finish the show. Now i'm left hanging. haha. It was quite a good drama. interesting.

same old story: A sleeps with B, who is also sleeping with C. A finds out, then B finds out A is sleeping with D, and that A's mother is sleeping with E. Complicated? Yup...but nice show.
[doesn't exactly happens like that, but close]

anyway my room in Angsana Hotel in Dubai is a suite; hence then kitchen, living room and separate bedroom. we hung out in the living room and cooked instant noodles with sausage and eggs. since it was impromptu, we didn't get more food when we were in Emirates Mall [which is HUGE, btw].

planning on french toast tomorrow if we can wake up.


call time is 1.25am tomorrow night, where we will be going to Istanbul. Have already made plans to visit the Blue Mosque and Grand Bazaar. Problem is that, its damn cold in Istanbul, about 5-15 Degrees Celsius. I wonder how i'm gonna stand the cold since all i brought for the weather was a jacket and scarf. I forgot my thermal! Thank goodness its only one night.


wanted to have a drink but my hotel, unfortunately, is a NON ALCOHOLIC ESTABLISHMENT. Damn. And we were all too lazy to go out, since Gossip Girl got our attention.


i'm supposed to be taking this time to think....but i dunno what to think about. i wish i didn't have to make any decision and that the matter would just magically settle on its own. it's so hard. So hard.


anyway i am gonna curl up with my book and make myself sleepy.

Still hungry though. But nothing to eat. Should I take an egg from the tray? But i have to wash up. Nah.


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