Monday, June 02, 2008

Clearer Mind

Recently feel much better...still thinking about it, but much better.

he is can you say you love someone but eliminate the person from your life?

Makes no sense whatsoever.

Shouldn't it be that if you care about someone you would want to call, or sms or be with the person everyday, as often as you can? It hurts me...

I don't believe much anymore.

The bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment.

I can't handle anymore disappointment.


i feel like getting away from all this, change a new environment.

He is still in my mind, but I guess I just don't want to have the hope anymore when he obviously doesn't treasure me.


i might be trying out for SQ this month.

I think its a tad bimbo-ish, but i would savour in the experience.
It's not an easy job, nor a very difficult one.
I guess its a different kind of learning experience altogether.

Maybe I just want to leave everything behind, to start afresh.

Well, we'll see if there's any improvement.

if he wants me, he has to get me back.

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