Thursday, January 15, 2009

freezing in beijing

it's 4.52am in beijing now.

just reached here at 12plus am and its fucking cold here!
last clocked temperature is -8 degrees.

i'm using the free internet in the room.
the only downside is that its accessible only through the keyboard provided, with the TV as the monitor. the keyboard mouse is a pain to use.

anyway, the hotel is really beautiful; the big spacious bathroom, with a king sized bed, an office area, and a lounging sofa, makes it one of the best hotels i've stayed in so far! check it out, the Grand Millenium Beijing. damn chio lor.

i just came back an hour ago from a gathering in the crew room with five others.
we had fun just hanging out and drinking a few beers. it was a bit boring, to admit; but seldom you see crew so on nowadays...we actually wanted to go to the hotel bar but it was closed already; and it is too cold to venture out to any pub. so sad.

well....alex went to choing lor...didn't find out till i called like a zillion times before he picked up....i was so angry lor. still dun trust him on his own leh...maybe cos i'm so far away he can do anything and i probably wun know about it. i dun have his kind of contacts.

do you know his "friend" actually saw me out with another guy? i was out with a girl lor...i can't believe he would still get regular reports as to where i've been spotted. and the bulk of his news isn't even true. so free all these people...

well....i'm waiting for my room service to hungry now.y plan is to sleep late and wake late tml so i will have enough energy for the overnight flight back tomorrow.

actually its really tiring to keep the hours i have to keep have to plan your every move so that it can match with the time that you have to start getting ready for the flight back...i'm really tired, and i get quite lonely and bored sometimes. not surprising i'd rather stay home whenever i'm back..

at least there's something to look forward to when i get back. my batch boy, jimmy, is landing at almost the same time as me on friday! so we have planned to meet inside the terminal to have breakfast! i'm aiming for the thai food, have a craving for pineapple rice.

okay, after writing so much crap, my food isn't here yet.

shall go watch tv till it comes.


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