Saturday, January 31, 2009

sick sick

i've been so sick since i came back from delhi.

let me give you the breakdown:

28th Jan: 2nd Day, CNY

woke up after dozing off despite all the rowdy noise from the family.

felt quesiness in stomach.

went to toilet and vomitted non-stop for almost two hours.

decided to see company doctor.

got a fucking painful jab that was supposed to work immediately but i woke up 4 times in the night to vomit.

29th Jan: 3rd Day, CNY

spent the whole day dragging myself to do the most simplest tasks

whole body very suan and no strength

kept sleeping.

very weak.

yenlin and soon tong still jio ktv....i 有心无力...

30th Jan: 4th Day, CNY

blood vessal in eyes burst after excessive vommitting.

went to take mc to be excused from flying.
medically fit for flying; but not aesthetically fit for flying.
not chio enough.
i scare myself when looking in the mirror lor..
went back to stc to show the company i not bluffing, and got MC til monday, 2nd Feb.
still feel weak.
now i have to see if the redness gets better or not, or else i have to do ground work till it gets better.

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