Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Porsche Charity Track Day

I have to go to Sepang for a Porsche event tomorrow.

First time to an event overseas alone, armed with a camera I have no idea how to use, a whole list of things I need to do and heavy magazines that I have to lug around.

I think it might be fun, as its my first time on the track, to have the first look at the new 911 GT3 RSR first ever test run, and to be driven around in the 911 GT3 Cup Cars by the cup drivers. All the while carrying the magazines and that stupid camera.

I have to be at Porsche Centre, Sungei Kadut at 6am tomorrow morning, to be ferried to Sepang [hope i get some sleep]. The event lasts the whole day and ETA in Singapore is 10pm.

I'm gonna be so fucking tired. Wonder if I can come into work later on Friday morning.

The worst thing is, I have to smile and pretend I'm ok.


Every few seconds, you pop in my head; everything I do, I am reminded of you.
Everywhere I look, I see you. Do you see me?


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