Friday, May 30, 2008

so tired...

my eyes are closing.

so tired having to come to office after yesterday's exhausting trip.
had to drag myself out of bed.

today IMPORTrides need to be proofread before sending out for print.
I have articles to edit by today to be able to meet the deadline.
magazine has arrived, need to help with the subscription postings.


it doesn't help that my mind keeps wondering away.
he just keeps popping into my mind.

my heart has a jab of pain everytime it happens.


do i really not matter anymore, darling?


I have to try to get through each day.
trying to create activities to take up my time.

meeting my classmates for dinner later...
they will sure ask me why he never join us.
i have to be reminded again when i'm trying to forget.


i just want a simple life.

but my life consists of episode after episode of drama.
when everything seems to be going right, something will happen to make it wrong again.
I can never be happy.

I simply want to be happy.
Is that really so hard?

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